School Environment Activities
The activities included in this context aim at the use of existing materials and spaces on the School grounds, namely playgrounds, playing fields, playgrounds, gardens, etc.
It is intended that these activities can be carried out at the School and with existing materials at the School.
To know respect for nature and the plant world.
To know the four elements that contrıbute to the growth and development of plants.
To acquıre approprıate behavıors for the preservatıon and protectıon of the envıronment.
To explore and dıscover the envıronment through the 5 senses.
To classıfy seeds, plants, shrubs...graspıng equalıtıes and dıfferences
Settıng up and maıntaınıng the school garden
​Identify story elements in the book “Luli and the tree house” by Iulia Iordan.
Students will identify the trees in the text and discover their parts in the botanical atlas and the herbarium (leaves, flowers, roots).
After listening to the story "Luli and the house in the tree", students will identify certain characteristics of tree bark and wood by using several senses - smell, sight, feel.
They will measure the circumference and length of a tree trunk using a tape measure.
They will compare and appreciate the height and thickness of a tree in the library yard.
Make a fluent and safe reading, which shows the understanding of the meaning of the texts.
Read texts with more complex narrative and descriptive characteristics, associated with different purposes and in different media.
Write texts with correct use of forms of written representation (spelling, punctuation and translineation, graphic configuration and auxiliary writing signs).
Write texts, organized in paragraphs, cohesive, coherent and adequate to graphic representation conventions.
Recognize the need to use public services.
Develop autonomy in the use of public services.
Solve problems
To Be sensitive to the feelings, interests and needs of others
To Show empathy and understanding towards other people
To Create and experience cooperative play
To Understanding and respecting rules (waiting for your turn; respecting your rights and the rights of others)
To Share materials and experiences
To Interact with children and adults
To Use concepts that include number recognition
To Experience and describe positions, directions and distances in the play space
To Move with objects
To Move around following guidelines
Understand that living beings depend on each other, recognizing the importance of preserving Nature;
Assume attitudes and values ​​that promote civic participation in a responsible and critical manner;
Recognize the need to adopt individual and collective measures that minimize the negative impact of population growth on habitat destruction;
Choose techniques and materials according to the expressive intention of your plastic productions;