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The Little Patriots

Local Historical Heritage Activity


Şcoala Gimnazială Com. Pietrari, ROMANIA


3-6 years old


- the Romanian flag;
- colored sheets;
- glue;
- scissors;
- straw;

Content Areas/ Subjects

•    language and communication field
•    aesthetic and creative field
•    psychomotor field

Activity Description (Procedure)

The activity started with a visit to the historical monument "Heroes’ Monument”.
We had a short conversation about our country and our village.
Pietrari is located in the central-northern part of Valcea county, in the area of the high steps of the Subcarpathian Getici, on both sides of the middle course of the Otasau river.
During the first world war, several battles took place on the territory of the village of Pietrari. In memory of the heroes who died in the war, the inhabitants of the village raised the two historical monuments.
We remind the children that every year, on December 1, we celebrate Romania's national day. On this day, the students of the Pietrari School go to the heroes' monument and say poems and sing.
In order to use the received information, we decided to make the Romanian flag.
Materials needed for the activity: scissors, glue, coloured sheets.
We performed hand warm-up exercises for the activity: clap your hands, rub hands, play the piano.
After enumerating the stages of the activity, the children started making the flags: they cut the colored sheets, glued them and thus made the flag of our country.

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