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The little Christians

Local Historical Heritage Activity


Şcoala Gimnazială Com. Pietrari, ROMANIA


3-6 years old


- eggs,

- watercolours,

- crepe paper,

- water,

- glue,

- self-adhesive images

Content Areas/ Subjects

•    language and communication field
•    aesthetic and creative field
•    psychomotor field

Activity Description (Procedure)

The Easter holidays are one of the most important religious holidays in Romania. They are celebrated in memory of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and last three days.
     On Easter, people dress in new clothes and go to church. Tradition says that thess days you should not work and should spend time with family and friends. The traditional Easter food in Romania is lamb, red eggs, cozonac and pasca.
      Every year, near the Easter holidays, the children from the Pietrari School visit the "Saints Michael and Gabriel Church”. 
      The priest told the children about the Easter holidays, about prayer and teaches them how to make the sign of the cross and how to say prayers. 
    The children also learned about the components of a church and  how old is the church in our village. 
    At the end of the visit, the children received croissants and juice from the priest.
         To mark this day, upon returning to school, the children painted eggs.
      Materials used: eggs, paint of different colours, water, vinegar. The eggs were washed and boiled. After this, the children received the paint and painted the eggs using their favorite colours.
      The eggs were placed in special baskets made by the children a week before. 

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