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Visiting the Museum

Museological Heritage Activity


Şcoala Gimnazială Com. Pietrari, ROMANIA


7-8 years old


No material is needed.

Content Areas/ Subjects

•    language and communication field
•    environmental knowledge field
•    psychomotor field

Activity Description (Procedure)

       Museum visits and hands-on experiences can be very beneficial for children in the learning process because:
1. Hands-on experience: Museum visits provide hands-on and interactive learning opportunities. Children can see, touch and experience real objects and artefacts, enabling them to concretely develop their knowledge and understanding of the subject they are learning.
2. Visual and Sensory Stimulation: Museums provide a rich visual and sensory environment that can captivate and stimulate children. Visuals, colours, sounds, and interactions with exhibits can help hold attention and create a stronger impact on learning.
3. Stimulating curiosity and imagination: Museum visits can stimulate children's curiosity and imagination. They can open up new horizons and inspire creative thinking. Children can ask questions, explore and search for answers in an active and engaged way, which can motivate them to learn and discover more.
             In the week of "Our country" we decided to visit the Museum of Bucharest Public Transport Company to learn about the development of the transport infrastructure, the means of transport used in the past and how they influenced the life of the city.
             The visit to the museum included three stages:
In the first stage, the children boarded a very old train.

In the second stage, the employees of the museum presented the model of the means of transport in Romania. The children noticed the first trains, trams and trolleybuses.
In the last stage of the visit, the children participated in an experiment. They took a ride on a virtual train and observed the landforms in our country.


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