Grandma and Grandpa's Girl
Museological Heritage Activity
Şcoala Gimnazială Com. Pietrari, ROMANIA
3 - 6 years old
- colored chalk
- white chalk
Content Areas/ Subjects
• language and communication field
• aesthetic and creative field
Activity Description (Procedure)
The world of the puppet theater introduces children to a magical universe, populated by fairies and funny elves.
The "Ariel Municipal Theatre” from Râmnicu Vâlcea is an institution of repertory shows, with legal personality, its own heritage, subordinated to the Local Council of the Râmnicu Vâlcea Municipality, financed by the local budget and from its own revenues. It offers shows for children of all ages.
The Ariel Theatre from Valcea offered to the Pietrari School’s children the opportunity to participate to the show “Grandma's girl and grandpa's girl”.
The story "Grandma's girl and grandpa's girl " is a Romanian folk tale written by Ion Creanga in which the contrast between two young women is presented, one hardworking and kind, and the other lazy and mischievous.
The children were fascinated by the show and the characters.
Through this show, the children understood that a story can be told in several ways: it can be read, it can be played, it can be sung.
At the end of the activity, the children had a surprise from the theatre organizers.
The children received colored chalk to draw elements observed during the show.
The children put their imagination to the test and created many drawings representing elements observed in the show.
Sometimes a simple drawing says more than a thousand words.
Through the drawing activity, the children developed their imagination and told the story "Grandma's girl and grandpa's girl ".