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Istituto Comprensivo Statale Padre Isaia Columbro

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About us


Transmit the cultural heritage of the past, so as to preserve it and keep it alive
prepare our children for the future.
Bring the new generations closer to adult life, providing them with those skills that are indispensable to be protagonists in the economic and social context in which they live.
Accompany the personal educational path that the student takes, supporting the process of building his or her personality.



The school is not only in the classroom and, above all, only in its own. The opportunities for educational growth and the acquisition of skills are multiplied if supported by activities and comparisons with "other" realities. Therefore, in addition to the enhancement and discovery of our Territory, it is necessary to open up to comparison with other schools as a concentric circle that increasingly widens the field of knowledge of the other.

Equal dignity of the complexes located in the 3 Municipalities with attention to the deployment of human and material resources that contribute to representing the demands of the various sectors of our Educational Community so that, without imbalances, all complexes can grow and enrich the experiences of all colleagues of the Institute.

Adequate planning and partnership with Authorities, Municipalities, ASL and Associations will have to be provided to try to give quality answers to "fragile" users, who most of all need attention.



- Increase activities to support pupils with disabilities by using the resources in staff and collaboration with social services, and offering teachers the opportunity for specific training.
- Ensure equal opportunities within the school career and combating all form of discrimination, cyberbullying, bullying, in compliance with the dictate of the Italian Constitution (Articles 3, 4, 29, 37, 51).
- Attention to all forms of "discomfort" and care for the dialogue between the school and the families of pupils with BES also through psychological mediation.
- Early recognition of language disorders and planning of activities for recovery.
- Valuing the school as an active educating community, open and collaborative with the territory.
- Implement collaboration with the territory: networks, agreements, projects with Local Authorities, Cultural Associations, Universities, Educational Institutions, Sports Associations, Libraries.
- Promote knowledge of the historical, artistic, cultural heritage of the territory, combining it with the European and global dimensions to enhance the specific identity of the educational institution.
- Work for the improvement of organizational well-being and relational climate, encouraging the participation of all components in the life of the school through moments of meeting and of sharing intentions and actions.
- Improve institutional communication, making it more effective with respect to the objectives pursued, management methods and results achieved.
- Improve the tools for communication, socialization and sharing between school, families and the territory.
- Promote the sharing of rules of coexistence and the exercise of organizational roles.
- Work to improve the relational climate and organizational well-being;
- Strengthen the teaching facilities and enhance the instrumentation available to of the Institute.

Contact us

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Istituto Comprensivo Statale “Padre Isaia Columbro”
Scuola dell’Infanzia, Primaria e Secondaria di I grado
Tocco Caudio – Foglianise – Castelpoto
Via La Riola - 82030 Tocco Caudio (BN)
tel > 0824.871.139
fax > 0824.878.658
email > –


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